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How Often Should You Drain Your Hot Tub?

Last Updated: July 21, 2023
Hot tub water that needs to be drained and replaced.

As someone who locally sells hot tubs, I understand the importance of relaxation and the therapeutic benefits that luxurious hot tubs provide for both the mind and the body. However, when it comes time for that relaxation, it’s important that you don’t get in and worry about funny smells, or foamy water.  

This means that consistent hot tub maintenance should be your top priority, and one aspect of that is knowing: how often you drain a hot tub.  

The general rule of thumb is to drain it every 3-4 months, however, frequency of draining your hot tub depends on several factors, including usage, water quality, and the type of sanitization method employed.  

Why You Need to Drain Your Hot Tub 

It’s easy to think over time that your hot tub will be okay if you go a little longer without draining the water, but when you really think about it, a small body of standing water can get gross pretty quickly.  

Some factors to think about are that every time you use your hot tub, you get a buildup of: 

  • Skin cells 
  • Body oils 
  • Chemicals from treatments 

Which can cause your hot tub to get cloudy, moldy, and foamy. Which is not a fun idea when you are trying to relax. 

How Often Should You Drain Your Hot Tub 

One of the questions we get asked a lot by those looking to purchase a new hot tub is how often do you drain it? Well, the short answer is about every 3-4 months. But that answer varies based on 4 factors: 

  1. Water Quality 
  1. Frequency of Use 
  1. Environmental Factors 
  1. Sanitization Methods 

When you look at the factors involved, you’ll be able to make an informed decision about how to properly maintain your hot tub in order to guarantee the best relaxation. 

1. Water Quality 

The water in your hot tub needs to be clean, clear, and balanced to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Unbalanced water can lead to various issues, such as the growth of  

  • Harmful bacteria,  
  • Algae, and  
  • Scaling  

You can ensure that you have fresh water quality by utilizing proper filtration when filling your hot tub and treating the water properly. Maintaining optimal water quality is also essential for preserving the longevity of your hot tub and its components. 

2. Usage Frequency 

The primary factor influencing how often you should drain your hot tub is its usage frequency. A hot tub that is used regularly will require more frequent water changes than one that is seldom used.  

If your hot tub is used daily or several times a week, it is a good idea to drain and refill it every three to four months. For those who use their hot tub less frequently, say once a week or every other week, draining and refilling the water every four to five months should suffice.  

This schedule helps strike a balance between water freshness and conserving water and energy. 

3. Environmental Factors 

The temperature of the environment in which your hot tub is located will help in determining how often you drain your hot tub.  

  • High Temperatures: If you live in an area that is hot and has an excess of sunlight, the water may be subject to more evaporation and hot tub chemical breakdown. In such cases, you may need to drain and refill the hot tub more frequently to maintain water balance and prevent chemical build up in the hot tub’s components. 
  • Low Temperatures: If you are located in an area that is colder or has more shade, the water may stay cleaner for longer periods, reducing the need for frequent draining.  

Always consider the unique environmental factors surrounding your hot tub when determining the ideal water replacement schedule. 

4. Sanitization Method 

The method you use to sanitize your hot tub water is another factor affecting how often you drain and clean your hot tub. The two most common sanitization methods are: 

  1. Chlorine: Which tends to dissipate faster in hot water, requiring more frequent monitoring and potentially more frequent water changes 
  1. Bromine: Which is more stable in high temperatures, allowing for longer intervals between water replacements. 

Alternatively, some hot tub owners opt for ozone or saltwater systems for sanitization. These systems can extend the time between water changes, as they help keep the water cleaner for longer. However, even with these systems, regular water testing and maintenance are still necessary. 

Additional Maintenance 

In addition to regularly draining and treating your hot tub water, it’s important to consistently apply other maintenance practices to ensure that your hot tub and its components are in working condition.  

Water Quality Testing 

Regardless of your hot tub's usage frequency, regular water quality testing is still a needed practice. You should test the water at least once a week using test strips or a water testing kit.  

This helps to monitor the levels of chemicals which will also tell you when it may be time to drain the tub, the chemicals you should test regularly are:  

  • Chlorine or bromine,  
  • PH levels,  
  • Alkalinity, and  
  • Calcium Hardness.  

By keeping the water levels within the recommended ranges, you can extend the time between water changes while ensuring that you get a pleasant soaking experience. 

Shock Treatments and Filter Maintenance 

In addition to regular water testing and sanitization, performing shock treatments on your hot tub eliminates contaminants that may not be addressed by standard sanitizers. Shocking the water helps to oxidize organic matter, ammonia, and other unwanted substances.  

The frequency of shock treatments will depend on your hot tub's usage and the number of people using it regularly. 

Moreover, the hot tub's filtration system is vital for keeping the water clean. Ensure you clean or replace the filters as recommended by the manufacturer to maintain efficient filtration and extend the life of your hot tub's components. 


Maintaining a hot tub ensures a hygienic, safe, and enjoyable experience for all users. The frequency of draining your hot tub largely depends on its usage, water quality, environmental factors, sanitization method, and adherence to regular maintenance. 

Remember to test your water regularly, adjust chemical levels as needed, and shock treat the water when necessary. By following these guidelines that are outlined in this article and considering the factors involved in the maintenance of your hot tub, you'll find the perfect balance for how often to drain your hot tub and be able to provide you with a relaxing and therapeutic retreat.

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